Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Protest arrests and SSI/SSDI

There are a lot of people coming down to support Occupy ICE right now, both here in Portland and elsewhere around the US. One of the things that needs to be addressed is what happens if you get detained and you are on SSI and SSDI. I'll also address medicare and medicaid here. See this post if you are on HUD, and see this post if you are on TANF or SNAP. Now, IANAL so this is the information I could gather via online resources and talking to legal counsel. I will update this as I get more information.

If you are detained and on SSI you will lose benefits after a full calendar month of detention. This starts upon arrest, but only if you're held in a facility during that time. You can get them reinstated after your release provided you still qualify.

SSDI benefits stop the 31st day you are detained after a conviction, regardless of when you were arrested. You can get them reinstated after your release provided you still qualify.

Medical benefits:
All medicare and medicaid are suspended while you are in detention, Medicare may require you to reapply after your release.

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